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More Exceptional Results up to 28.3 g/t Gold and 22.6% Copper from Drilling at the Bluebird Discovery, Tennant Creek, NT
20th March 2023
The results of the previous IP program carried out by Planetary Geophysics at Bluebird revealed a distinct low-resistivity (high conductivity) response, corresponding with the Bluebird mineralisation on cross section 448,360mE (see Figure 4 below). This confirmed that the mineralised structure at Bluebird can be detected using IP geophysics. This section includes the BBDD0012 intersection of 63m @ 2.1% Cu, 4.6g/t Au6 and the IP low-resistivity zone shows potential continuity below 400m depth.
Further dipole-dipole IP traverses, in combination with detailed drone magnetics and detailed gravity modelling, has identified six priority targets for the discovery of buried high-grade copper-gold deposits within the 2.5km Bluebird-Perseverance Corridor.
Significant Expansion of Newly Discovered High-Grade Gold Zone, Alice River Gold Project, North Queensland
January 12th 2022
Pacgold Limited (ASX: PGO) (‘Pacgold’ or the ‘Company’) is pleased to provide an update on drilling assay results following completion of the diamond (‘DD’) and reverse circulation (‘RC’) drill programme at its Alice River Gold Project (‘Project’) in North Queensland, where a total of 39 holes were completed (2,007m DD and 5,018m RC). Pacgold has received results for 25 holes (including 5 holes reported to the ASX on 8 and 10 November 2021) with results pending for the remaining 14 holes, including 7 holes targeting the newly discovered high-grade gold zone (F1a zone).
Central Target – F1a Zone
New assay results from drilling of the F1a zone approximately 100m to 175m below and along strike of the historical open pit have extended the high-grade gold zone reported in late 2021; with results including:
• 17m @ 9.3g/t Au from 192m incl. 3m @ 25.3g/t Au from 195m (ARDH026)
• 6m @ 6.5g/t Au from 218m incl. 1m @ 26.1g/t Au from 223m (ARDH006)
The high-grade intersection in ARDH026 is drilled 60m below the recent PGO drill intersection of
26m @ 3.6g/t Au from 104m incl. 3m @ 21g/t Au from 126m (ARDH007 - see ASX announcement 10 Nov2021) and shows a strong increase in gold grade and width of mineralisation from surface to a depth of at least 210m
IP Chargeability target guides Carnaby Resources to major copper discovery
December 29th 2021
An RC / diamond hole, NLDD044 has intersected an exceptionally broad and high-grade
copper gold intersection outlining a major discovery at Nil Desperandum. The results
announced today eclipse the visual copper sulphide estimates released last week.
The tenor of the results is amongst the highest copper drill hole
grades and widths reported in Australia since the Degrussa copper gold deposit was
discovered by Sandfire Resources Ltd in 2009.
Drill hole details and individual 1m assay results
from NLDD044 are presented in Appendix 1, Table 2 & 3. Drill results from NLDD044 are
summarised as;
41m @ 4.1% copper, 0.5 g/t gold from 247m
Including 24m @ 6.5% copper, 0.7 g/t gold from 251m
Including 9m @ 10.3% copper, 1.2 g/t gold from 264m
NLDD044 was extended with a diamond tail to a total depth of 364m, intersecting minor
copper sulphide in the diamond core tail, results pending.
NLDD044 was designed to target an IP chargeability inversion anomaly coincident with the
predicted plunge of the Nil Desperandum main shoot breccia zone.
The results from NLDD044 have confirmed that the IP chargeability anomaly is almost certainly caused by the high-grade copper sulphide mineralisation intersected in NLDD044 (Figure 1).
The mineralisation in NLDD044 is completely open at depth to where the IP chargeability anomaly is gettingstronger (Figure 1) and completely open to the southwest along strike and down plunge, where no drilling or geophysics has yet been completed.
HaiTEM Paleo Channel Investigation WA, Australia
October 2018
Paleo Channel investigation employing the Planetary Geophysics HaiTEM High Powered TDEM System. October 2018 WA, Australia .
Battery powered without the necessity of large generator power supply, the HaiTEM system is extremely mobile and able to be deployed into a variety of challenging environments.

True 3D IP Black Sea, Turkey
June 2018
Planetary Geophysics completed a successful True 3D IP survey in Turkeys Black Sea region in June 2018.
Utilising the recently developed multiple Fullwave Receiver system, survey design unrestricted by geometry can be implemented in the most difficult of environments allowing data acquisition in areas of extreme topography and poor access with minimal manpower.